Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thursday dinner on Ichijo-dori

We went just up the street for dinner and stuck our heads in a bizarrely painted place on the corner. The cook said (his English was quite good) that there was no English menu but he could make us "anything." We sat down and began to suspect that there was not even a Japanese menu. We asked what he had and he placed out a lovely big square plate and said "My idea is" (his hand went to the upper corner of the plate) "salad here"--he moved his hand to the opposite corner--"fish here." We said we didn't want fish so he offered pork or Japanese beef and we chose beef. He proceeded to cook right in front of us while I drank a beer and Bill sake. He told us his name was Akira and gave us a card (of course) and we gave him our cards.
Bill taking over--the little rectangular room (a kind of bar with chairs and Akira behind the bar) had hundreds of CDs on little angled shelves, so I asked him if he was a musician, but he responded that he was "a cook." By the end of a very delicious meal we had seen 3 YouTube versions of him playing guitar or drums in different local venues. Otherwise, through the meal we were listening to Bob Marley off his computer. Oh, back to the food - the beef was covered in sprouts and shoots but once you found a slice, it proved to be wonderful. All in all a very odd little nook of Jamaica, Japan, and the 60's.
Terry again--the food was fabulous! And we were thoroughly entertained by Akira. Bill says we're going back once a week.
At 1 a.m. I turned over in bed and said to Bill--"If we had food poisoning, we'd know by now, right?" We're fine--healthy and very well fed.
This morning Akira sent Bill by email 2 photoshe took--one of us and one of the food. I can't figure out yet how to get the pix on the blog but I'll keep trying.

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